The RAVAH|FIN platform is being developed to serve the non-production participants in the agricultural industry. These industry participants include input suppliers, financial institutions, crop traders, logistics companies, etc. Our intention is to ensure that the platform is seamlessly integrated with RavahTech’s other agricultural platforms (RAVAH|DATA and RAVAH|OPS).
Unlike our other platforms that offer functional modules to our customers; the RAVAH|FIN platform leverages its in-depth field-level knowledge base to develop independent solutions which are tailor-made to address specific requirements of the agricultural industry.
Our proprietary method of automating and digitizing the Monitoring, Reporting, & Verification of climate impacting activities allows projects to work at any scale; including very small fields.
By utilizing the power of blockchain, we can create decentralized, trustless systems of certification that open all projects up to public audit through total transparency and traceability; eliminating the need for 3rd party certifiers and further reducing the cost of offset production.
With the many farmers subscribed to our platform, our industry partners have access to advertise and supply to those farmers that fall into their desired supply geography. Our partners typically include:
- Seed suppliers
- Crop nutrition suppliers
- Crop protection suppliers
- Irrigation companies
- Outsourced harvesters
- Logistics companies
Integrating with our other platforms, our partners have access to the field data that they require to efficiently provide their respective services to the farmers in our network. Our reports are tailored to provide the necessary information required by the partner at the required time. Our partners typically include:
- Insurance companies
- Banks
- Crop traders
- Cooperatives